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The Hands Speak! - 1 Month Package for Institutions

  • For a personalised quotation, please send an e-mail to info@tevagyajel.hu e-mail address

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  • For Institutions

Why you can benefit from the You are the sign web tutorial app? Scroll down a bit and you’ll find out!

Registration is required for purchase.

Using the You are the sign web tutorial application can help you in the following areas:

1. Raising awareness

It is important to know that there is no habituation about the use of hand-signs, which results in involuntary attention of children to the parent / teacher showing hand-signs. Attention to movement is evolutionarily encoded in us.

2. Maintaining attention

Hand-signs can be excellent not only for attracting attention, but also for maintaining attention by showing more and more signs.

3. Promoting understanding

Especially for non-speaking children, but also for children who know few words, hand-signs can be a significant help in understanding.

4. Improving fine motor movement and graphomotor skills

The wide range of hand shapes in the hand shape list and filter pages are well defined in advance and allow for a wide variety of hand and finger movements.

5. Improving eye-hand-mouth coordination

By moving these three areas towards one goal at one moment in time, we can affect a very large area of the brain. This is likely to have an even more improving effect on cognitive processes.

6. A new tool for teachers / parents

Name of the new tool: simply the hand itself. No special equipment is needed, just a precise knowledge of the hand signs is enough, and they can be used anywhere, regardless of the place or time.

7. Stimulating conceptual, visual thinking

To be able to show a sign correctly, one needs to know the characteristics of the certain thing (size, movement, different properties… etc.), so sign language can greatly facilitate conceptual as well as pictorial thinking.

8. Time to listen to each other increases

To be able to interpret hand-signs, it is essential to look at the other person with understanding attention.

9. Counteracting one-plane hand and finger use due to “gadgeting”

Using digital tools every day is very demanding on your hands. Hand movements (forming hand-signs, hand and finger gymnastics, hand shape gymnastics… etc.) try to reduce its negative effects, too.

10. Learning while playing

Young people are extremely interested in hand-signs, they consider it as a game.

11. Easier memorisation

The many associations used in the formation of the signs can make memorisation faster.

12. With a subscription you get a complex set of educational tools

It means that

– you can start filtering on different themes, sign types, handshapes, body parts, parts of space, movements… etc., and combinations of all these,

– by using the cultural treasures with hand-signs, you can bring a new colour to i.e. old songs and sayings,

– and with the handshape filter you can completely personalise the fine motor development.

Get an offer now at info@tevagyajel.hu e-mail address!

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